New comment by HanoJing on void-packages repository Comment: > > sudo xbps-install --repository=/home/user/Projekte/void-packages/hostdir/binpkgs/ mesa-22.1.1_1 > > Don't specify the version, the one in your local repository is _2. Or you could just run `xi -u mesa` Thanks for the quick reply! I tried the `xi -u mesa` method but It sttill pulls the mesa out the normal void repos. I have made sure that The needed patch is in /home/user/Projekte/void-packages/srcpkgs/mesa/patches/ Also, the files in my local repository have _1 not _2 like so: mesa-22.1.1_1.aarch64.xbps I have also tried specifying a local repository using /etc/xbps.d/ like so: `echo 'repository=/home/user/Projekte/void-packages/hostdir/binpkgs/' >> /etc/xbps.d/my-local-repo.conf` Then I have also put the mesa-22.1.1_1.aarch64.xbps file into /var/cache/xbps, to see if xbps would then install the right file upon reinstallation of mesa.