New comment by jcgruenhage on void-packages repository Comment: Actually, this is horrible.. `black` does need to be upgraded at the same time, but with the newer version the jupyter tests for black fail, so more along that probably has to be checked as well. `fava` has other problems and also doesn't want to build. With `fava` also updated, that problem is resolved, but now it has problems determining it's version after switching to pep517 build style as well. `gandi-cli` fails over a hundred/a fourth of it's tests. Haven't looked deeper. `magic-wormhole` is not even able to run it's tests in it's current state. It's complaining about wheel and pip not being available. `papis` is the same story as `magic-wormhole`. `python3-Flask` also has 4 of it's tests failing, but at least that's less than a percent. The tests I've seen so far all are related to Pytest deprecations, so nothing to really worry about. `python3-click-threading` is the first of these that's easy enough: Updating it to 0.5.0 makes all of it's tests pass again :) `termdown` is the same as `papir` and `magic-wormhole`. `vdirsyncer` actually builds fine, not sure why that failed earlier.