New comment by CaptainDrewBoy on void-packages repository Comment: > I meant, are you sure, `sudo xbps-pkgdb -a` reports no errors? With an empty `/usr/lib/`, it should report some error like: > > ``` > ERROR: linux5.15: hash mismatch for /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.47_1. > ``` > > Your installation is somewhat broken, and you should be told that. I swear this wasn't popping up before, but I ran this command again to triple check and now there is more output. ```ERROR: mbedtls: hash mismatch for /usr/lib/ ERROR: mbedtls: hash mismatch for /usr/lib/ ERROR: mbedtls: hash mismatch for /usr/lib/ ERROR: mbedtls: files check FAILED. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/java has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/jjs has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/keytool has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/orbd has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/pack200 has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/policytool has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/rmid has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/rmiregistry has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/servertool has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/tnameserv has wrong target. ERROR: openjdk8: alternatives group jdk symlink /usr/bin/unpack200 has wrong target.