New comment by zenny on void-packages repository Comment: > This is definitely a duplicate of #37667. Unfortunately, the only way to fix your initramfs is to grab a live image (I prefer [hrmpf](, mount your root and `/boot`, chroot in, add the change to the Dracut configuration, and then regenerate all initramfs images. (The easiest way to do that is `xbps-reconfigure -f zfs`.) @ahesford Thanks for confirming and your useful input. Meanwhile, I have booted into pop_os22.04 installed on different partition07 in the same drive and mounted the void /root and /boot partition (both installed on single partition6). Is the following right way to do the same stuff in chrooted environment? If not, I appreciate your input. ``` mount /dev/sdd6 /mnt/voidrootboot mount --bind /sys/ /mnt/voidrootboot/sys/ mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/voidrootboot/proc/ mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/voidrootboot/dev/ chroot /mnt/voidrootboot xbps-reconfigure -f zfs ``` Thanks in advance.