New comment by zenny on void-packages repository Comment: > You may need to replace the `--bind` with `--rbind` for the `/dev` mount if anything about the Dracut rebuild needs `/dev/pts`, but otherwise this should work fine. @ahesford Back to void. :D Thanks for your inputs. The culprit was handled with your help. Thanks. However, I did the following to ease those who come across the same issue. 1. Mounted the HDD partition void root and boot: ``` sudo mkdir -p /mnt/voidrootboot sudo mount /dev/sdd6 /mnt/voidrootboot ``` 2. Mounted `dev, sys, proc` of the host/rescue OS for dracut operation: ``` sudo mount --bind /sys/ /mnt/voidrootboot/sys/ sudo mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/voidrootboot/proc/ sudo mount --rbind /dev/ /mnt/voidrootboot/dev/ ``` Please note that dracut needs /dev to be recursively mounted for the use of /dev/pts. Kudos to @ahesford for this hint. 4. Chrooted into the mounted partition: ``` chroot /mnt/voidrootboot ``` 5. Make necessary changes: `echo 'omit_dracutmodules+=" zfs "' > /etc/dracut.conf.d/zfs.conf` Please do not skip the space around the module name, `zfs`. 6. Rebuild initramfs: ``` sudo xbps-reconfigure -f zfs ``` 7. Successfully built and good to go. Back to voidlinux. :D