Closed issue by danjenson on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: ``` Void 5.15.9_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate rFFFF ``` * package: ``` Clight-4.7_1 ``` ### Expected behavior Clight daemon would respond to clight, without sudo. ### Actual behavior The daemon/service does not seem to respond to clight. Even running, `dbus-run-session clight` with the `Clightd` service running returns an Idle Error. It will only work with `sudo dbus-run-session clight`, which seems to circumvent using Clightd. (The point of Clightd is so clight can be run without sudo privileges). I have added my user to `i2c`, `dbus`, and dbus is running (so is polkitd). I also start bspwm with `exec dbus-launch --exit-with-x11 bspwm`. The author of `clight` is unfamiliar with void/bspwm, so is having a hard time debugging ( ### Steps to reproduce the behavior 1. Install `Clightd` 2. Enable `dbus`, `polkitd`, and `Clightd` 3. Start a bspwm session with `exec dbus-launch --exit-with-x11` (in ~/.xinitrc) 4. Start clight with `dbus-run-session clight` 5. Check the log at `~/.local/share/clight/clight.log`. It will have the following lines: ``` (I)[10:02:12]{main.c:127} Clightd found, version: 5.4. (I)[10:02:12]{keyboard.c:158} Keyboard backlight calibration supported. (I)[10:02:12]{interface.c:180} org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver dbus interface exposed. (I)[10:02:12]{upower.c:54} AC cable disconnected. (I)[10:02:12]{upower.c:65} Laptop lid opened. (W)[10:02:12]{idler.c:22} Clightd idle error. (W)[10:02:12]{dimmer.c:55} Failed to init. Killing module. (W)[10:02:12]{idler.c:22} Clightd idle error. (W)[10:02:12]{dpms.c:48} Failed to init. Killing module. (W)[10:02:42]{location.c:89} Timed out waiting on location provided by Geoclue2. Killing module. (W)[10:02:42]{daytime.c:68} No location provider found; fallback to DAY daytime. (W)[10:02:42]{gamma.c:91} Killing GAMMA as no location provider is available. ```