Closed issue by Marie-Joseph on void-packages repository Description: ## Updated Goals After bootstrapping LDC locally, I'll host a version for cross-compiling it. The below steps are still requisite for (my) local LDC compilation. ## Steps - [x] package GDC Necessary for my local bootstrap. - [x] package [gdmd]( Necessary for my local bootstrap. - [ ] update LDC to cross-compile This should be as simple as adding the LDMD front-end to the LDC package and using it to compile itself. ## Notes Since I need this, I'm going to work on it and will update this issue as I progress. If more capable hands want to take over, feel absolutely free. It'll likely take me several days to a couple weeks to do this (especially since my build machine for testing is a Raspberry Pi 4) and I'm sure others with more experience would be able to do it faster.