Closed issue by pc00per on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name swapspace ### Package homepage ### Description This is a system daemon for the Linux kernel that eliminates the need for large, fixed swap partitions. Usually when you install a GNU/Linux system, it sets up a swap partition on disk. The swap partition serves as virtual memory, so you may need a lot of it. But you can't store data there, so you don't want to sacrifice too much disk space. And it's not always easy, or safe, to change its size afterwards! Running swapspace solves that problem. You no longer need a large swap partition. You can even do without the whole thing. The program manages swap files for you. These work just like partitions, except they're normal files. You can add more when you need them, or delete some when you want the disk space back. And that is exactly what swapspace does. It constantly monitors your system's virtual-memory needs and manages a pool of swap files accordingly. With swapspace you can install GNU/Linux in one single big partition, without regrets later about picking the wrong size. Your system can handle the occasional memory-intensive task, without eating up disk space that you'll never get back. ### Does the requested package meet the quality requirements? System, Compiled ### Is the requested package released? Yes