New comment by sprocklem on void-packages repository Comment: I've been using (some version of) the following package template (based on the official binary release) for several months now and it seems to work fine for me. It is not ready for release however, as it does not install the required license (which is not AFAICT distributed in the official release tarball) and probably needs a better `short_desc`. `./xpbs-src update-check zotero` also doesn't work, but I haven't taken the time to fix that. ``` # Template file for 'zotero' pkgname=zotero version=6.0.10 revision=1 wrksrc="Zotero_linux-${XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE}" short_desc="Research assistant tool" maintainer="Maeve Sproule " license="AGPL-3.0-only" homepage="" distfiles="${version}/Zotero-${version}_linux-${XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE}.tar.bz2>Zotero-${version}-linux.tar.bz2" checksum=f9115314e6557f4c3d1c1964d39a44b2cb2216511a3c9f574eadbd429b888a5f nopie=1 do_install() { # Usually modified from the 'set_launcher_icon' script. sed -i -e 's|^Icon=.*|Icon=/opt/zotero/chrome/icons/default/default256.png|' zotero.desktop # Also fix this up: sed -i -e 's/^Exec=.*/Exec=zotero -url %U/' zotero.desktop # Disable app update, borrowed from AUR's zotero-bin package. sed -i '/pref("app.update.enabled", true);/c\pref("app.update.enabled", false);' defaults/preferences/prefs.js vmkdir usr/share/applications vcopy zotero.desktop usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop sed -i -e 's|^CALLDIR=.*|CALLDIR=/opt/zotero|' zotero vbin zotero vmkdir opt/zotero vcopy '*' opt/zotero } ``` I don't recall why I used `nopie=1` (or if it was even needed). Edit: I honestly see no reason why I'm not seeing the same XPCOM error that harrisonthorne reported. Maybe because I have firefox installed?