New comment by atweiden on void-packages repository Comment: > Isn't there a chance of incompatibilities between the fzf executable and the vim plugin if one uses newer command line options than are available from the executable? Technically speaking, “yes”. But I doubt fzf’s author would release breaking changes to the fzf CLI outside of major version updates. Any devenv issues arising from this could be addressed by updating the fzf template in this repo to the newer version (or updating the devenv in question as appropriate). As for whether a hypothetical silent majority of Vim users exist who rely on installing the fzf binary and plugin via a distro package manager for practical usage within Vim? They could continue to do so with `xbps-install vim-fzf`. I doubt if most people who barely customize Vim even use fzf within Vim, though. fzf is quite useful outside of Vim, and for that you don’t ever need the plugins.