There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository [RFC] various: remove -s/-w from go_ldflags Description: - aws-vault: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #21634 - circleci-cli: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #25101 - coredns: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #23578 - gotify-cli: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #34653 - gotify-server: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #34653 - v2ray: remove -w -s from go_ldflags - added in #31653 - not revbumping because of build issues with `quic-go` (see below) - common/build-style/ error if -s/-w in go_ldflags - this does not fit in an xlint because of multiline-string handling woes These [go linker flags]( are: -s Omit the symbol table and debug information. -w Omit the DWARF symbol table. both are not necessary because xbps-src should strip binaries itself it's not necessary to check for `-sw` or `-ws` because go doesn't parse combined flags for this #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** - all still build except for `v2ray` [ci skip]