New comment by MaMiMa81 on void-packages repository Comment: > Latest dracut v.056 seems to have this covered, not tested though: > > line 1001: > > `dracut_kernel_post() { for _f in modules.builtin modules.builtin.alias modules.builtin.modinfo modules.order; do [[ -e $srcmods/$_f ]] && inst_simple "$srcmods/$_f" "/lib/modules/$kernel/$_f" done` Good Afternoon Regarding this issue and taking into account what has been mentioned by @ahesford that a full update of dracut to v.56 will require extensive testing - espescially as it appears that it is moving to be more systemd centric - plus this will also put more demand upon core devs, would not a simple & sensible course of action just be to administer a basic patch to the existing dracut v.53: 985 - for _f in modules.builtin.bin modules.builtin modules.order; do 985 + for _f in modules.builtin.bin modules.builtin modules.builtin.modinfo modules.order; do I wouldn't know how to set this up correctly in a patch & submit it for inclusion as a new 'revision'??? - I could hazard a guess by looking around but that's just what it would be. I am no programmer & this is purely a effort to perhaps solve this in the easiest manner. As, how shall we say a 'lay-person', I shouldn't of thought this wouldn't have too much, if any, ramifications on things - but again quite frankly that is pretty much a guess, the much more knowledgable amongst you here will have more of an idea - I merely put it forward as a suggestion to try and help. Regards