New comment by classabbyamp on void-packages repository Comment: > the man pages are installed only when used shell redirection ``` $ ./xbps-src build wayshot ... $ ls masterdir/builddir/wayshot-1.2.1/docs assets wayshot.1.gz wayshot.1.scd wayshot.7.gz wayshot.7.scd $ file masterdir/builddir/wayshot-1.2.1/docs/wayshot.1.gz masterdir/builddir/wayshot-1.2.1/docs/wayshot.1.gz: troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text ``` @Shinyzenith it's still broken, you're writing uncompressed manpages but calling them gzipped @akhiljalagam you shouldn't need to build them with scdoc yourself, they build properly because `` always runs for the host, not target, on cross. once this other issues is fixed they should be `vman`able (or even possible now if you rename them)