New comment by akce on void-packages repository Comment: This is wonderful, thanks @tsjk! :) I've tested armv6l rpi-kernel on an rpi 1 model b+ and confirmed that eth0 is working. I also built and tested armv7l rpi2-kernel on an rpi 3 model b and it is also functional. I think the `rpi2-kernel` build is already broken. ie, not due to these changes. `xv` is needed for the **install** phase. That might be why my rpi2 device never had an `rpi2-kernel-5.15.61_1` available for upgrade. I needed to add `xv` to the **hostmakedepends** list. ie, ```diff diff --git a/srcpkgs/rpi2-kernel/template b/srcpkgs/rpi2-kernel/template index d8f55ba073..b103b74dcd 100644 --- a/srcpkgs/rpi2-kernel/template +++ b/srcpkgs/rpi2-kernel/template @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ version=5.15.65 revision=1 archs="armv7l*" wrksrc="linux-${_githash}" -hostmakedepends="perl kmod uboot-mkimage openssl-devel bc bison flex" +hostmakedepends="perl kmod uboot-mkimage openssl-devel bc bison flex xz" makedepends="ncurses-devel" maintainer="Piraty " homepage="" ``` I've looked at the template files for both `rpi-kernel` and `rpi3-kernel` and they both have `xv` in this list so i think it might've been an oversight that it's missing from `rpi2-kernel`. It's such a small change, any chance you could add a commit for this to this PR @tsjk?