There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository New package: lean3-community-3.42.1 Description: This is an updated version of #32559. Recently (maybe a cmake update) there is a test failure that seems to be related to cmake. Here's the relevant part of the output of `./xbps-src check lean-community`: ``` [0/1] Running tests... Test project /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build Start 1: style_check 1/1427 Test #1: style_check .................................................***Failed 26.22 sec /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:0: No copyright message found. You should have a line: "Copyright [year] " [legal/copyright] [5] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:50: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:54: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:130: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:139: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:149: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:154: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:291: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:313: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:670: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:675: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:681: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:688: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:689: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:690: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:699: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:704: Weird number of spaces at line-start. Are you using a 2-space indent? [whitespace/indent] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:710: Missing space after , [whitespace/comma] [3] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp:768: { should almost always be at the end of the previous line [whitespace/braces] [4] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/githash.h:0: No copyright message found. You should have a line: "Copyright [year] " [legal/copyright] [5] /builddir/lean-3.40.0/src/build/version.h:0: No copyright message found. You should have a line: "Copyright [year] " [legal/copyright] [5] Total errors found: 21 ``` This may be related to the following warning that is output by `./xbps-src configure lean-community`: ``` CMake Warning (dev): Policy CMP0058 is not set: Ninja requires custom command byproducts to be explicit. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0058" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This project specifies custom command DEPENDS on files in the build tree that are not specified as the OUTPUT or BYPRODUCTS of any add_custom_command or add_custom_target: CMakeFiles/3.22.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp For compatibility with versions of CMake that did not have the BYPRODUCTS option, CMake is generating phony rules for such files to convince 'ninja' to build. Project authors should add the missing BYPRODUCTS or OUTPUT options to the custom commands that produce these files. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. ``` Any help with this is appreciated. I'm sure this was working ok recently. Another issue is a test failing on i686 only (cf is there an easy way to disable a particular test for i686?