New comment by freddylist on void-packages repository Comment: > Applying patches in minimalist software should be left to the user, I don't think we should wrap that in xbps-src options and keep it up to date. I agree. Now that I think about it, I'm actually not sure why I included the build options for the patches, I think I just shoved them in there. :p I still think we should add at least the 3 build options to add icon support (`icons`/`O_ICONS`, `nerdfont`/`O_NERD`, `emojis`/`O_EMOJI`) as that seems to be a fairly common thing people want. Maybe we should also add the few other options that compile *in* features. Users who want patches should just download them from [here]( and add them to the `nnn/patches/` directory. Anyone who wants to compile *out* features is on their own I guess.