New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: The first-pass build for `x86_64` has completed, with the following failures: - [ ] DarkRadiant - [ ] blender - [x] blueman - [x] collectd - [ ] freeorion - [x] gnome-builder - [ ] idjc - [ ] jack_mixer - [ ] kore - [x] libtorrent-rasterbar (revbump boost) - [ ] mimeo - [ ] mypaint - [ ] piper - [ ] profanity - [ ] python3-altgraph - [ ] python3-apsw - [ ] python3-bitarray - [ ] python3-cypari2 - [ ] python3-empy - [ ] python3-fpylll - [ ] python3-frozendict - [ ] python3-greenlet - [ ] python3-grpcio - [ ] python3-keyutils - [ ] python3-protobuf - [x] python3-pyFFTW - [ ] python3-pygame - [ ] python3-reportlab - [ ] python3-ruamel.yaml.clib - [ ] python3-snakeoil - [ ] python3-snappy - [ ] python3-typed-ast - [x] python3-watchman - [x] python3-yarl - [ ] rdiff-backup - [ ] renderdoc - [ ] root - [ ] shiboken2 - [ ] sigil - [x] sip4 - [ ] uwsgi - [ ] wxPython4 - [x] zbar