New comment by TeusLollo on void-packages repository Comment: I agree with oreo639. It's a bug in EAC, and they are supposed to fix it (I know, I know, they never do in practice). They also say here to utilize Steam in Flatpak to work-around this issue, which may help? I would say to continue working working on the glibc update (Which will still take a while, anyway). I'm already having trouble with some compiling explicitly requiring glibc 2.36 only. Maybe in the meantime upstream glibc will do something, or maybe someone at Proton will come up with a shim/wrapper of some sort? Mind you, I'm not dismissing this problem in any way (I'm sorry if I came out sounding like that), I just think those changes in glibc 2.36 were justified, and that in general Void should not be stuck on an older glibc version due to potential compatibility problems emerging (Which I personally I'm already encountering on some private repos).