New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: @travankor I pushed two commits to your branch. Please test, comment and decide whether to squash one or both. - The first commit refactors the build and install to address DRY and eliminate unused or empty variables. (I don't know whether specifying go arguments `-ldflags ""` and `-tags ""` is the same as omitting them; the `_build_components` function might need to specify the arguments if the effect is not the same.) - The second commit uses the default `do_build` by restoring your definition of `go_package` to refer to both components. This **seems** to work, but I haven't run the build products to confirm this. I also moved manual and configuration generation to `do_build` (or `post_build`) so all of the products to be installed will be inspectable after `./xbps-src build` rather than requiring the installation step.