New comment by furryfixer on void-packages repository Comment: The reddit comment referred to above was mine. I have since installed Void Plasma Wayland with nvidia for myself to investigate (GeForce GTX 1660 Ti), and can confirm this issue with nvidia515.65.01 and kernel 5.19.16_1. If it helps, this is what I have found so far: - Does not occur on Plasma X11 - Occurs with startx as well as SDDM login - Downgrading to nvidia470 xbps packages fixes it - kwin_wayland takes nearly 100% cpu during this - Occurs with more than one theme and icon set - A key pressed within both Konsole (wayland) and lxterminal (Xwayland) is sometimes echoed repeatedly to the terminal window. - Briefly corrects and lowers CPU usage after showing **irq-130nvidia** interrupt in top? Despite very slow startup, the latest version of kwin_wayland initially allows normal mouse cursor movement, but as soon as a cursor mouse-over on a desktop icon occurs, the issue arises. Weirdly, when mousing over certain Panel icons, the problem goes away after the popup notification disappears. Sometimes the popup seems to shift slightly just before disappearing, and then kwin CPU usage drops to normal, until trying to do almost anything but moving the mouse in an empty area of the desktop makes it recur.