New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: > * have an option `[check-skip]` that works as `[ci-skip]` but instead of skipping the whole CI it will run it without `-Q`. Tests can be skipped with `make_check=ci-skip` in the template if they don't work in CI or `make_check=extended`. > maybe have a way to indicate that some checks are expected to fail for certain archs. For instance, I'd mark bogofilter and inkscape as xfail for x86_64-musl. The check step would still run, but it wouldn't stop with an error on failure so the CI can keep going. E.g. check_xfail="x86_64-musl". > maybe have a way to indicate that some checks should be skipped for certain archs. For instance, I'd mark gnuradio to skip checks for i686 so the CI wouldn't get stuck on a loose test. E.g. check_skip="i686". This can already be done: ``` case "$XBPS_TARGET_MACHINE" in # reason i686*) make_check=no ;; esac ``` It doesn't make much sense to run the tests, but then ignore the result, so I think not running tests is good enough for us. > Policy could be to comment any check_xfail or check_skip with an issue number where it is well documented. `$make_check` should always have a comment explaining why it's needed and can link to an upstream issue. `xlint` check for a comment and will throw an error when it's not there which makes the lint step in CI fail.