Closed issue by paper42 on void-packages repository Description: Packages that have multiple distfiles should use create_wrksrc to make sure all sources get cleaned up when the build is done and everything is contained in one directory. already instructs people to use create_wrksrc every time there are multiple distfiles, but in practice there is a lot of templates that don't follow this. - [ ] 7kaa - [ ] EmptyEpsilon - [ ] EmulationStation - [ ] Fritzing - [ ] LanguageTool - [ ] OpenRCT2 - [ ] Waybar - [ ] Z80Explorer - [ ] acmetool - [ ] antlr3-bin - [ ] apache-fop - [ ] apache-maven - [ ] app-builder - [ ] arcan - [ ] avahi - [ ] avahi-discover - [ ] babashka - [ ] barrier - [ ] bitcoin - [ ] browsh - [ ] bumblebee-status - [ ] cargo - [ ] cavestory - [ ] cgit - [ ] choosenim - [ ] composer - [ ] composer8.0 - [ ] composer8.1 - [ ] cracklib - [ ] crda - [ ] daemontools - [ ] deadbeef - [ ] debootstrap - [ ] dolphin-emu - [ ] ekushey-fonts-ttf - [ ] exa - [ ] fah - [ ] fairy-stockfish - [ ] fcitx - [ ] fcitx-libpinyin - [ ] fcitx5 - [ ] fcitx5-chinese-addons - [ ] fcitx5-zhuyin - [ ] gendesk - [ ] gmic - [ ] grafana - [ ] grafx2 - [ ] gucharmap - [ ] gzdoom - [ ] ipe - [ ] jmol - [ ] juCi++ - [ ] kristall - [ ] lc0 - [ ] leiningen - [ ] leocad - [ ] libime - [ ] libime-jyutping - [ ] libluv - [ ] libpinyin - [ ] lightzone - [ ] maturin - [ ] minetest - [ ] mkinitcpio-encryptssh - [ ] monero - [ ] monero-gui - [ ] mons - [ ] mpc-qt - [ ] msttcorefonts - [ ] musescore - [ ] notmuch - [ ] nsjail - [ ] ocs-url - [ ] offo-hyphenation - [ ] openjdk15-bootstrap - [ ] openjdk16-bootstrap - [ ] opensonic - [ ] par - [ ] pasmo - [ ] perl - [ ] pijul - [x] pipewire 5d02a92eede1ff48ac50ed634c4871d281c2ec18 - [ ] plex-media-player - [ ] poppler - [ ] prometheus-cpp - [ ] pymol - [ ] python3-colored-traceback - [ ] python3-discogs_client - [ ] python3-pytest-xvfb - [ ] python3-webencodings - [ ] qflipper - [ ] qt5-webengine - [ ] radamsa - [ ] renderdoc - [ ] rstudio - [ ] sage-data-conway_polynomials - [ ] sage-data-elliptic_curves - [ ] sbsigntool - [ ] sc - [ ] sc3-plugins - [ ] scrcpy - [ ] solvespace - [ ] stack - [ ] stockfish - [ ] stremio-shell - [ ] sunpinyin - [ ] tcpflow - [ ] textadept - [ ] tg_owt - [ ] tigervnc - [ ] tty-clock - [ ] tvbrowser - [ ] upwork - [ ] volk - [ ] wabt - [ ] wally-udev-rules - [ ] wasmtime - [x] wayfire 2d4987a20bb498bdeab34e1db8c17447a138ac11 - [ ] words-web2 - [ ] yaboot