New comment by furryfixer on void-packages repository Comment: I have hopefully identified the problem. Others please confirm, and if so, create a PR to fix this if you like, since I will be unable for the next several days at least. The file "**15_nvidia_gbm.json**" is misplaced. Void's template installs it in the "**/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/**" directory. It should apparently be installed to the "**/usr/share/egl/egl_external_platform.d/**" directory. Plasma/Wayland becomes fully functional by doing: `sudo mv /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/15_nvidia_gbm.json /usr/share/egl/egl_external_platform.d/15_nvidia_gbm.json` A simple change to the vmove target for that file in the template should do it. I remain curious as to why Gnome was not obviously affected, since I thought I was forcing GBM through environment variables, but perhaps it was still using EGL streams on nvidia.