New comment by paper42 on void-packages repository Comment: The [logind.conf(5)]( manpage mentions both `/lib/elogind/system-sleep` and `/etc/elogind/system-sleep`, but the `/lib/elogind/system-sleep` path is incorrect, currently it should be `/usr/libexec/elogind/system-sleep`. This is because we set `-Drootlibexecdir=/usr/libexec/elogind` and the build system uses ``` systemshutdowndir = join_paths(rootlibexecdir, 'system-shutdown') systemsleepdir = join_paths(rootlibexecdir, 'system-sleep') ``` If we didn't set rootlibexecdir, it would default to `/lib/elogind` and this wouldn't be an issue. a) the documentation should be adjusted b) `systemsleepdir` and `systemshutdowndir` should be patched c) `rootlibexecdir` should be changed (this would probably affect more than just this) Alpine uses the same rootlibexecdir as we do, so they probably have the same issue, Gentoo uses /usr/lib/elogind.