New comment by zenny on void-packages repository Comment: > > I suggest the Pipewire package on Void be updated to 3.60, as mentioned in the other issue on the MPV github. > > There is already a pull request on that matter: #40828. > > If your problem requires urgent measures on your end, I would advise you to update this package yourself with changes from the pull request mentioned earlier. Fails with the following error, meaning it requires `ncurses` to be updated to v0.3.6`_1: ``` => pipewire-0.3.61_1: removing autodeps, please wait... => ERROR: pipewire-0.3.61_1: failed to install target dependencies! (error 19) ncurses-libs-6.3_3 in transaction breaks installed pkg `ncurses-6.3_1' Transaction aborted due to unresolved dependencies. => ERROR: Please see above for the real error, exiting... ``` And if I try to remove installed `ncurses-6.3_1`, it goes into dependency hell: ``` # xbps-remove -v ncurses ncurses-6.3_3 in transaction breaks installed pkg `base-system-0.114_1' ncurses-6.3_3 in transaction breaks installed pkg `rxvt-unicode-9.30_3' Transaction aborted due to unresolved dependencies. ```