There is an updated pull request by r-ricci against master on the void-packages repository 7zip New package: 7zip-22.01 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** I don't think there's any reason to ship the full and the reduced versions in the same package, so I just compile the full one and create symlinks for compatibility. #### TODO: - [x] fix musl - [ ] ~build with assembly where possible: on i686 and x86_64* it requires `asmc` or `jwasm`/`uasm` assemblers, none of which are packaged~ - [x] build a version with RAR support (nonfree repo) - [x] use our compile and link flags - [x] test packages that depend on `p7zip` at build/check time: SLADE, Z80Explorer, ark, cbp2make. (I just tested that they still build) - test packages that depend on `p7zip` at run time: - [ ] lutris - [ ] multibootusb - [ ] playonlinux closes #37875 A patch file from is attached