Closed issue by paper42 on void-packages repository Description: These are new failures from a gcc 12 glibc 2.36 world rebuild, this list doesn't include failures already found in previous musl rebuilds (, These can be caused by glibc 2.36 or gcc 12 if they are not available on musl. - [x] EternalTerminal (#40663) - [x] arb - [x] avr-gdb - [x] cabbage (#40885) - [x] catch2 - [x] cereal - [x] clementine - [x] cpp-hocon (#40645) - [x] cppcodec - [x] criu - [x] cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb (#40887) - [x] embree - [x] fakechroot - [x] fakeroot (#40644) - [x] gamemode - [x] gatling - [x] ghidra (1740a52acb42507f4d86cbc5e4de3e8e97147975) - [x] libhugetlbfs - [x] libknet1 - [x] libowfat - [x] libstatgrab - [x] lxc - [x] lxcfs - [x] mono - [x] mtd-utils - [x] mtree - [x] nethack - [x] openmw - [x] pam_zfscrypt - [x] partclone - [x] pencil2d - [x] rawtherapee (#40692) - [x] soci - [x] stepmania (#40783) - [x] systemtap - [x] tcc #40900 - [x] tracebox (#40759) - [x] wren-cli - [x] xdm fixed by rebuilding mk-configure - [x] runawk - [x] libmaa fixed by using the glibc stable release branch instead of the 3.36 release - [x] bootchart2 - [x] toybox - [x] autofs - [x] hwinfo - [x] snapraid - [x] x2goclient