New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: I have a rpi 4 with 8 GB ram and I will start testing some math software on it. It would be nice to have good support, we have some key packages that won't cross compile (ntl). But if some cross-compiled packages in the build chain are broken, that complicates matters a lot. It seems aarch64 is more important than i686 at this point (e.g. a few days ago I learned that sagemath is completely broken on i686, but nobody noticed -- still we spend a lot of energy fixing 32 bit issues and 8087 magic in particular since we can't even assume sse2) If it's not possible to get aarch64 builders, is there a chance that some (few, key, carefully selected) packages can be natively compiled on a x86_64 builder using qemu instead of cross?