New comment by TeusLollo on void-packages repository Comment: Never mind, then. I must have miss-read that part (After two hours and a half of bickering with configurations, I must have been exhausted), and assumed the `/etc/nftables/` directory was meant for the nft ruleset. I guess most users too would assume so going in first-time into nft configuration. Still, it's kinda weird having one mostly-empty `/etc/nftables/` directory, while the really critical nft ruleset is expected to reside into `/etc/nftables.config`. At least it's documented, unless you end-up miss-reading like I did. I presume there must be some reason for establishing such a setup, although I'm not familiar enough with Void packaging to know for sure. I may eventually learn more. Thus, since there's technically not a bug, and since it's actually intended to work this way, I'm closing this. Thanks to everyone for their efforts, regardless.