There's a closed pull request on the void-packages repository keepassxc: remove newline in licenses Description: I was parsing the entire void-packages repo and I have noticed that the keepassxc template behaves differently than all other 13 000 packages. When You run `./xbps-src show `, You (and I) would expect that `xbps-src` will display its arguments in the form `key: value` for every line printed. For example for the linux metapackage: ``` > ./xbps-src show linux pkgname: linux version: 6.0 revision: 1 maintainer: Leah Neukirchen Upstream URL: License(s): Public Domain build_style: meta short_desc: Linux kernel meta package subpackages: linux-headers ``` Literally every package behaves like this except keepassxc. keepassxc does this: ``` > ./xbps-src show keepassxc pkgname: keepassxc version: 2.7.4 revision: 1 distfiles: checksum: 560052961da0389327e759171f660230dfa4e0f4e1fab6139600fb85c6e5dece maintainer: Piraty Upstream URL: License(s): GPL-3.0-or-later, BSD-3-Clause, CC0-1.0, LGPL-2.0-only, LGPL-2.1-only, LGPL-3.0-or-later, Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1, MIT, BSL-1.0 Changelog: build_style: cmake configure_args: -DWITH_TESTS=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_UPDATECHECK=OFF configure_args: -DWITH_XC_DOCS=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_AUTOTYPE=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_BROWSER=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_FDOSECRETS=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_KEESHARE=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_NETWORKING=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_SSHAGENT=ON configure_args: -DWITH_XC_YUBIKEY=ON short_desc: KeePassXC is a cross-platform port of “Keepass Password Safe” ``` For the sake of consistency, I'm removing the newline. This isn't really a bug but as I said this is the only package that does this and it can break parsing of the output of `./xbps-src show`. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly**