There is an updated pull request by classabbyamp against master on the void-packages repository ci/treeless-clone ci: use treeless clone instead of actions/checkout Summary: - [use treeless fetches instead of `--depth`]( - this is not supported by `actions/checkout`, so it was implemented as a short script (staying with `actions/checkout@v1` does not seem like a good idea because of its age, and updating to `actions/checkout@v3` would require adding `libstdc++` to any CI workflows that run in void containers because of node's requirements) - This applies to the build and cycles CI workflows, and some additional cleanups were applied to the cycles workflow - it can't be implemented as a script in `common/travis/` because the repo doesn't exist on the runner (yet!) - `` had a small logic change, because we now have the complete commit history instead of just `--depth=200`. This preserves the 200 commit limit with a slightly-enhanced error message (wording clarified and it now shows up as an error annotation) - `` is no longer needed now that the checkout script fetches the entire commit history of master and the PR branch #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** - successful run: - run with too many commits: A patch file from is attached