There is an updated pull request by slotThe against master on the void-packages repository ghc-9.2.5 [WIP] [ci skip] GHC 9.2.5 Took much longer than anticipated, since I wanted to wait for stack 2.9.3 first. Here's to hoping that opening a PR will motivate me to work more rapidly :) ### Core packages to bump - [x] ghc - [ ] ghc-bin - [ ] x86_64 (hash) - [ ] i686 (hash) - [ ] x86_64-musl ~~Cc. @q66~~ - [ ] ppc64le - [ ] ppc64le-musl - [ ] ppc64 Cc. @ftrvxmtrx - [ ] aarch64 - [ ] aarch64-musl - [x] cabal-install - [x] stack #### Rebuild literally every single haskell package we have and see if anything's broken - [ ] git-mediate - [ ] kmonad - [x] cgrep - [ ] debug-me - [x] hlint - [x] hoogle - [x] darcs - [x] shellcheck - [ ] git-annex - [x] hledger - [x] pandoc - [ ] xmobar - [ ] haskell-language-server - [ ] glirc ### Other things to do - [x] incorporate @astralchan - [ ] incorporate @kwshi A patch file from is attached