Closed issue by TeusLollo on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 5.15.85_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rFFFF ### Package(s) Affected sway-1.8_1 | wlroots-0.16.0_1 | vlc-3.0.18_2 | Possibly other media players? ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? Nothing I could find, although display freezes seems to have happened sporadically with VLC, yet seem unrelated to this particular case. ### Expected behaviour Upon updating packages `sway-1.8_1 `and `wlroots-0.16.0_1` , `vlc` from from `vlc-3.0.18_2` has grown capable of producing hard display freezes and/or `sway` hard-crashes. Previously, it was entirely possible having multiple audio sources playing, utilizing forward and backward keys repeatedly, and/or dynamically resizing `vlc` window, with no abnormal behaviors. I am very confident this bug emerged when packages `sway-1.8_1 `and `wlroots-0.16.0_1` were updated. ### Actual behaviour After updating packages `sway-1.8_1 `and `wlroots-0.16.0_1`, `vlc` from `vlc-3.0.18_2` has grown capable of producing hard display freezes and/or `sway` hard-crashes. Hard display freezes manifest as having the display freeze upon the latest frame and suddenly become completely unresponsive. Audio output from `vlc` will stop, yet audio from other sources (If any were populating remaining audio channels) will continue playing. System underneath appears to be still working, and no relevant outputs are sent to `syslog`. Kernel remains online and is responsive to the power-off button. Indeed, utilizing the power-off button is the only way to get out of the freeze. Hard-crashes of `sway` manifest as `sway` crashing, and the user being returned to the shell. No apparently-relevant errors are outputted by `sway` itself. Kernel version is `linux5.15-5.15.85_1`. This has been happening on two separate void boxes with vastly different hardware, including an AMDGPU-based discrete video card as video output device, and an Intel-based integrate video card as video output device. I am thus ruling out driver issues and/or hardware issues, which is furthermore made more likely by the lack of relevant output into `syslog`. This has been happening with both hardware acceleration option ENABLED into `vlc` (Option: automatic, was the default and working perfectly before updating the aforementioned packages) AND hardware acceleration option DISABLED into `vlc`. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install/Update packages `sway-1.8_1 `and `wlroots-0.16.0_1` 2. Install/Update package `vlc-3.0.18_2` 3. Having hardware acceleration option into `vlc` ENABLED OR DISABLED (Happens in both cases), play with `vlc` a format-compatible media file (I tested both `.mkv` and `.mp4` as being capable of triggering this bug) 4. While media file is playing into `vlc`, utilize arrow keys left-right to jump forward/backward `vlc` video output repeatedly, and/or attempt to quickly resize `vlc` window into the WM. 5. Although this bug is rather random, I have observed it to trigger more easily if audio from multiple sources is playing, and/or if multiple windows are open contemporaneously. Still, mashing repeatedly the arrow keys left-right, to jump forward/backward video output, seems to hit the trigger in between 5-10 tries, if done in less than 5 seconds overall, quite reliably. This probably is not a void bug, and likely something related to the WM and/or the media player. It also requires more testing to see if other media player also can trigger this bug. I publish this to collect data and opinions before it will grow likely necessary to open an issue somewhere else. Thanks to everyone for their efforts, and thanks in advance for your support.