There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository openexr3.0 update Description: [ci-skip] [ci skip] # TODO: - **Review**. (If someone could do a rebuild of everything changed here would be highly appreciated, I am currently leaving my laptop overnight compiling everything with xxbuild for a specific arch, see below what I have already tested, getting some crossbuilding testing would be nice) ## New Templates - robin-map 1.0.1 - pystring 1.1.3 ## Changed Templates: - alembic 1.7.16 --> 1.8.3 (adopt) - ilmbase --> imath 3.1.5 - openexr 2.4.1 --> 3.1.5 (adopt) - gmic 2.9.9 --> 3.1.6 - opencolorio 1.1.1 --> 2.1.2 - openimageio --> ## Revbumped (xrevshlib) - Field3D - ImageMagick - PrusaSlicer - blender - calligra - darktable - gimp - hugin - kimageformats - kio-extras - krita - libgdal - opencv - openvdb - osg - synfig - synfigstudio - vigra - vips ## Local build testing - x86_64 (native) - x86_64-musl (native) - i686 (native) - armv6l (cross)