New comment by kruceter on void-packages repository Comment: > 1. `libibmad` has been subsumed by `rdma-core`, not really "removed". This is an important distinction for people who might attempt partial updates. I have been under the impression the unused package (no reverse dependencies) can be safely removed, but since some people might *need* `libibmad`, I see no harm to try and symlink it to `rdma-core`. > 2\. Just dropping the template will still leave the old `libibmad` in repositories, which will stage the repos the next time `rdma-core` bumps the soname of ``. That would require manual cleanup, usually at the least opportune time. libibmad and libibumad are two different libraries, Andrew. Even if `libibumad`'s soname gets changed at some point, libibmad plays no role here.