New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: I don't dispute that the plugin fails to work when the version doesn't match. My objection to "must" language in `hplip` is that it is officially maintained and distributed while the plugin package is non-free and restricted. People should not be scared away from updating an officially maintained package by unequivocal language if something should prevent them from updating the plugin package. We should be aware of the link and make a best effort to keep the plugin synced ("when possible"), but it's better to provide up-to-date free packages to the broader user base than keep them stale for compatibility with restricted content. The restricted package will break locally with every update anyway. If somebody overlooks a plugin update, an affected user can fix the oversight when discovered. If something more complex comes into play (*e.g*., upstream doesn't release new plugins in a timely manner), the operator will have to decide between holding back the free package or removing the plugin. That's one of the pitfalls of trying to commingle restricted packages with an open-source, rolling-release operating system that provides an official repository.