New review comment by kruceter on void-packages repository Comment: > You did it, making a complex template, downloading a lot of software "manually", which makes maintenance more complicated No, it does not make maintenance complicated. In fact, this is practiced here. If you really want to download git revisions by abusing bandwidth every single time on every clean rebuild - be my guest. I am not sure whether committers will let this go off the hook easily. > it is not easy to compile versions after 1.2.1, several distros would not yet have version 1.2.1 in their repositories How come it is not easy to compile after 1.2.1 when I could, Marco? > due to the problem with find SDL2 on various cpus architectures. Do you have any proof that SDL2 is not found "on various cpu architectures"? How can you explain SDL2 being found here on void (be it native or cross) successfully without this cursed file in my case? The urls provided by you are not convincing, i.e. not telling anything at all.