New review comment by bugcrazy on void-packages repository Comment: > > You did it, making a complex template, downloading a lot of software "manually", which makes maintenance more complicated > > No, it does not make maintenance complicated. In fact, this is practiced here. > Yes, it's complicated, it's a simple game, not a gcc template version. > If you really want to download git revisions by abusing bandwidth every single time on every clean rebuild - be my guest. I am not sure whether committers will let this go off the hook easily. > I applied the suggestions from the Void devs, each suggestion came from a different dev, so I had to apply and resubmit the PR. Besides, version 1.2.1 always had static packages, this is nothing new. > > it is not easy to compile versions after 1.2.1, several distros would not yet have version 1.2.1 in their repositories > > How come it is not easy to compile after 1.2.1 when I could, Marco? > From the 1.3.x series, the FindSDL2.cmake file is removed, so it only compiles for i686 and x86_64, the 1.2.x series had arm binary package for Linux in the github of devilutionX, in the 1.3.x series it was removed. Then try compiling the 1.3.x series for non-x86 architectures, using the 1.2.1 template as a reference! > > due to the problem with find SDL2 on various cpus architectures. > > Do you have any proof that SDL2 is not found "on various cpu architectures"? > Try compiling the 1.3.x series for non-x86, using the default cmake configuration from deviltutionx. > How can you explain SDL2 being found here on void (be it native or cross) successfully without this cursed file in my case? > You have disabled the option to download static software and download them manually, so there is no SDL2 check. > The urls provided by you are not convincing, i.e. not telling anything at all. You didn't look at the links, there are only three versions of devilutionX 1.2.1; 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. Why does version 1.2.1 exist in distro repositories?