There is an updated pull request by kruceter against master on the void-packages repository devilutionx devilutionX: switch to the -src tarball; drop gettext One of the upstream maintainers (glebm) suggested[^1] to use the `src` tarball instead of `src-fully-vendored`, which does not bundle libraries already available in the repository (SDL2, SDL2_image, libfmt, bzip2, libsodium, googletest) without the need to specify dedicated configure flags for them. gettext is used for generating `libdevilutionX.mpq` but not required here because it is shipped in the tarball. `-DFETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED=ON` now is globally used in 48dabfa86779c1b32d40055ffc5747ba36332152 after the previous update for this package, so it is not needed here anymore. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** [^1]: A patch file from is attached