New comment by zdykstra on void-packages repository Comment: The first issue I've noticed is that the Dracut version seems to be unset in `/lib/initrd-release` inside a generated initramfs: ``` NAME="Void" ID="void" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" LOGO="void-logo" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;71;128;97" DISTRIB_ID="void" VERSION="dracut-" PRETTY_NAME="Void Linux dracut- (Initramfs)" DRACUT_VERSION="" ``` Looking through `/usr/lib/dracut` on my system, I see that `/usr/lib/dracut/` has: ``` #!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 DRACUT_VERSION= ``` Nothing sources that file that I can see. Grepping through all of `/usr/lib/dracut` for `DRACUT_VERSION` shows it being used, but never initialized. `dracut --version` outputs: ``` # dracut --version dracut ```