New comment by classabbyamp on void-packages repository Comment: how about this? ```bash # Template file for 'chrono-date' pkgname=chrono-date version=3.0.1 revision=1 build_style=cmake configure_args="-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=true -DBUILD_TZ_LIB=true -DUSE_SYSTEM_TZ_DB=true -DENABLE_DATE_TESTING=true" short_desc="Date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header" maintainer="lz-coder " license="MIT" homepage="" changelog="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=7a390f200f0ccd207e8cff6757e04817c1a0aec3e327b006b7eb451c57ee3538 post_install() { vlicense LICENSE.txt } chrono-date-devel_package() { depends="${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}" short_desc+=" - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove usr/lib/cmake vmove "usr/lib/*.so" } } ``` - used the cmake `build_style` - removes need for manual `do_build` and `do_install` - allows usage of `configure_args` - removed unnecessary cmake arguments - added a -devel subpackage (you will need to `ln -sr srcpkgs/chrono-date srcpkgs/chrono-date-devel`) - removed the README... I don't think it's necessary to include - you willl also need to add ` chrono-date-3.0.1_1` to `common/shlibs` to be able to use this with other packages