New comment by tornaria on void-packages repository Comment: So `x86_64` (both glibc and musl) failed with this: ``` sage -t --warn-long 30.0 --random-seed=0 /builddir/sagemath-9.7/pkgs/sagemath-standard/build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-311/sage/interfaces/ ********************************************************************** File "/builddir/sagemath-9.7/pkgs/sagemath-standard/build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-311/sage/interfaces/", line 937, in sage.interfaces.expect.Expect._eval_line Failed example: singular.interrupt() Expected: True Got: False ********************************************************************** File "/builddir/sagemath-9.7/pkgs/sagemath-standard/build/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-311/sage/interfaces/", line 943, in sage.interfaces.expect.Expect._eval_line Failed example: singular('2+3') Expected: Singular crashed -- automatically restarting. 5 Got: 5 ********************************************************************** 1 item had failures: 2 of 16 in sage.interfaces.expect.Expect._eval_line [101 tests, 2 failures, 23.40 s] ``` It has already happened before (, This was already known upstream ( and it turns out I already fixed this (it's even merged upstream for 9.8!) but I forgot. This only happens under very heavy load (as here in CI, but not in my box even if I run 16 threads on 8 cores, it has to be way more loaded to trigger) I'll push a new PR with the patch from Meanwhile my local tests with all the above PR together are successful.