New comment by BikyAlex on void-packages repository Comment: I might start looking into this, no promise though. I might just use 5.10 with zfs anyway. I was having issues with building zfs-dkms on aarch64 in the first place, until I found some tools on github that were required to build it, but it was getting segfault on modprobe on my system with 5.15, 5.16, 5.18, 5.19 and 6.0. I don't think I tried 5.10, it's worth a short if I can get the odroid hc4 to work. If not, I might just use the armbian kernel, build it on that, and then booting void using armbian's kernel (I did this before to get void bootstrapped, but I never got zfs-dkms on armbian to work either, also because of the missing aarch64-tools script). I might be able to strace what the module is doing when `modprobe`'d, but I'm not sure if I can actually fix it, I'm only a shell script kiddie.