New comment by atweiden on void-packages repository Comment: @CameronNemo and anyone else with a pbp running Void, Have you seen [SvenKiljan/archlinuxarm-pbp]( The motivation behind the project seems relevant: > Manjaro ARM is the semi-official distribution of the Pinebook Pro. The device ships with it, and it seems most development for this particular device ends up in this distribution. The additional Arch Linux ARM packages to support the Pinebook Pro are mostly based on those offered by Manjaro ARM, with some minor adjustments to make them fit better in the Arch Linux ARM ecosystem. I’ve done some spelunking through pbp-related code in Manjaro and postmarketOS, and it seems to me Void’s current pbp support is already an approximation of the pbp-related code in the aforementioned projects. In any case, the packages at [SvenKiljan/archlinuxarm-pbp-packages]( look slightly better maintained.