There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository plasma 5.27 Description: - bluedevil: update to 5.27.0 - breeze-gtk: update to 5.27.0 - breeze: update to 5.27.0 - kactivitymanagerd: update to 5.27.0 - kde-cli-tools: update to 5.27.0 - kde-gtk-config5: update to 5.27.0 - kdecoration: update to 5.27.0 - kdeplasma-addons5: update to 5.27.0 - kgamma5: update to 5.27.0 - khotkeys: update to 5.27.0 - kinfocenter: update to 5.27.0 - kmenuedit: update to 5.27.0 - kpipewire: update to 5.27.0 - kscreen: update to 5.27.0 - kscreenlocker: update to 5.27.0 - ksshaskpass: update to 5.27.0 - ksystemstats: update to 5.27.0 - kwallet-pam: update to 5.27.0 - kwayland-integration: update to 5.27.0 - kwin: update to 5.27.0 - kwrited: update to 5.27.0 - layer-shell-qt: update to 5.27.0 - libkscreen: update to 5.27.0 - libksysguard: update to 5.27.0 - milou: update to 5.27.0 - oxygen: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-browser-integration: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-desktop: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-disks: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-firewall: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-integration: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-nm: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-pa: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-sdk: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-systemmonitor: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-thunderbolt: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-vault: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-workspace-wallpapers: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-workspace: update to 5.27.0 - polkit-kde-agent: update to 5.27.0 - powerdevil: update to 5.27.0 - sddm-kcm: update to 5.27.0 - systemsettings: update to 5.27.0 - xdg-desktop-portal-kde: update to 5.27.0 - plasma-wayland-protocols: update to 1.10.0. - lxqt-config: rebuild against libkscreen-5.27.0 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES**|**briefly**|**NO**