New comment by Oleksandr-Zhabenko on void-packages repository Comment: > is not a Void Linux domain since [2019](, and void-packages is not using this repository, so you had to somehow set it manually. Did you set this in etc/xbps.d? I am also not sure why it's trying to access 2-repodata, that was never valid as far as I know and it looks like you are setting `XBPS_ARCH=2` somewhere. Well, I just installed the musl flavour of Void Linux a month or two ago. No, there are no configuration related to these server in the etc/xbps.d or /etc/xbps.d/ directories. Do not remember about setting up XBPS_ARCH variable. So are there a valid list of repositories and what should be done to switch the repository for xbps-src?