New comment by unrealjo on void-packages repository Comment: > How did you get the list of blockers? Almost all of them should work with nodejs 18 . I thought that updating the nodejs-lts to 16.19.1 and switching dependencies from nodejs to nodejs-lts , will save me from the hassle of testing every program depending on nodejs . So that we can focus on the update of nodejs to 18.14.2 > I am not sure what you mean, how failed? In case switching dependencies of packages above (blockers) to nodejs-lts breaks some packages , we can at least make sure that **hostmakedepends** set to "nodejs-bin" instead of rebuilding (nodejs or nodejs-lts) which takes time to do .
@paper42 , Aside from that, how about adding new packages (node.js-bin) so we will be able to use the latest stable version of node without breaking other packages, and I would like to maintain it as well.