There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository build-style/qmake: add support for Qt6 Description: There's no `qt6-doc` package (compared to `qt5-doc`) or `qt6-examples` subpackage (compared to `qt5-examples`) but those could just be ignored I suppose ~~There's a big problem: cross-compiling any Qt6 `qmake` package quickly results in something like `make: *** No rule to make target '/usr/libexec/moc', needed by '.moc/main.moc'. Stop.`~~ ~~Native builds still work as expected however already. For a testing tree see [my `qt6-qmake-demo` tree]( and try e.g. `./xbps-src pkg qt6-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin` vs `./xbps-src pkg -a aarch64 qt6-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin` on a glibc masterdir.~~ ~~As per `ln -s /usr/lib/qt6/libexec/moc /usr/libexec/moc` would probably work as a really ugly hack, but is there someone around (perhaps @Johnnynator?) who knows how this could be fixed properly, and maybe even upstream? Here's a few other places where the same error can be seen:~~ - ~~ - ~~ #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly**