New comment by dmarto on void-packages repository Comment: ``` $ xbps-query -x yt-dlp python3>=0 ``` and I don't have pip installed (or other global packet managers), all global stuff is left to xbps (around 40 python3-* pkgs)
```$ xbps-query -s python``` ``` [*] autopep8-2.0.2_1 Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide [*] imath-3.1.6_1 C++/Python library for 2D/3D vector/matrix/math operations [*] python3-3.11.2_1 Python programming language (3.11 series) [*] python3-Pillow-9.4.0_1 Python Imaging Library (PIL) for for Python3 [*] python3-PyQt5-5.15.9_1 Python 3 bindings for the Qt5 toolkit [*] python3-PyQt5-svg-5.15.9_1 Python 3 bindings for the Qt5 toolkit - svg module [*] python3-PyQt5-webchannel-5.15.9_1 Python 3 bindings for the Qt5 toolkit - webchannel module [*] python3-PyQt5-webengine-5.15.6_2 Python 3 bindings for the Qt5 toolkit - webengine module [*] python3-appdirs-1.4.4_5 Python3 module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs [*] python3-cairo-1.20.1_5 Python3 bindings for the cairo graphics library [*] python3-charset-normalizer-3.0.1_1 Encoding and language detection [*] python3-colorama-0.4.5_2 Cross-platform colored terminal text (Python3) [*] python3-colour-0.1.5_1 Python library, converts and manipulates various color representation [*] python3-cssselect-1.1.0_7 CSS selectors for Python3 [*] python3-daemonize-2.5.0_7 Daemonize is a library for writing system daemons in Python (Python3) [*] python3-dbus-1.2.18_3 D-Bus Python3 bindings [*] python3-devel-3.11.2_1 Python programming language (3.11 series) - development files [*] python3-distro-1.7.0_2 OS platform information API [*] python3-gobject-3.42.2_2 Python3 bindings for GObject [*] python3-idna-3.4_2 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) for Python3 [*] python3-inotify-0.9.6_8 Monitoring filesystems events with inotify on Linux (Python3) [*] python3-lxml-4.9.2_1 Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries [*] python3-mutagen-1.46.0_2 Python3 multimedia tagging library [*] python3-numpy-1.24.2_1 Fast and sophisticated array facility to Python3 [*] python3-openrazer-3.5.1_1 Python library for accessing the Razer daemon from Python [*] python3-pam-1.8.4_7 Python3 module for PAM authentication [*] python3-pexpect-4.8.0_3 Python3 module for spawning child applications and controlling them [*] python3-psutil-5.9.4_1 Cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python3 [*] python3-ptyprocess-0.7.0_3 Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal (Python3) [*] python3-pycodestyle-2.10.0_1 Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8) [*] python3-pytz-2022.7.1_1 Python3 timezone library [*] python3-pyudev-0.24.0_1 Python bindings to libudev (Python3) [*] python3-requests-2.28.2_1 Python3 HTTP library for human beings [*] python3-scour-0.38.2_3 SVG scrubber (Python3) [*] python3-setproctitle-1.2.1_3 Python3 library to allow customization of the process title [*] python3-setuptools-67.6.0_1 Easily build and distribute Python3 packages [*] python3-sip-PyQt5-12.11.1_1 Python 3 PyQt5 SIP bindings with C and C++ [*] python3-six-1.16.0_3 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities (Python3) [*] python3-tinycss-0.4_5 Complete yet simple CSS parser for Python [*] python3-tkinter-3.11.2_1 Python programming language - GUI toolkit for Python3 [*] python3-toml-0.10.2_3 Python3 library for TOML [*] python3-urllib3-1.26.12_1 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling [*] python3-xapp-2.2.2_2 Python3 Xapp Library ```
edit: I forgot to mention, that I installed `python3-mutagen`, just to test and confirm that `yt-dlp --verbose` detects and shows libraries correctly; excluding it the only manual pkgs from the above list are `autopep8`, `python3-devel`, `python3-tkinter`.