New comment by jason1987d on void-packages repository Comment: The result of running the tests. ``` =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - assert '/bin... FAILED tests/ - assert '/b... FAILED tests/ - assert '/b... FAILED tests/ - assert '/bi... FAILED tests/ - ... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Asse... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - A... FAILED tests/[False] FAILED tests/ - AssertionErr... FAILED tests/ - Assert... FAILED tests/ - ass... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[fork] FAILED tests/ - Ass... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[fork] FAILED tests/ - assert ... FAILED tests/ - assert ... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[coverage3] FAILED tests/[fork] FAILED tests/[spawn] FAILED tests/[spawn] FAILED tests/ - ModuleNotFo... FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - assert 'Error ... FAILED tests/[spawn] FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - Assert... FAILED tests/ - assert "... FAILED tests/[fork] FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[spawn] FAILED tests/ - AssertionError:... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: ... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: assert... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - assert 'inside ... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - AssertionError:... FAILED tests/ - asser... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: asser... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Asserti... FAILED tests/ - assert 1... FAILED tests/ - ... FAILED tests/ - assert 12... FAILED tests/ - assert 127 == 1 FAILED tests/ - ... FAILED tests/[utf-8] FAILED tests/[True] FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[gb2312] FAILED tests/[hebrew] FAILED tests/ - ModuleNot... FAILED tests/[shift_jis] FAILED tests/[cp1252] FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - As... FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError... FAILED tests/ - ModuleNotF... FAILED tests/ - assert 1... FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - Assert... FAILED tests/ - ModuleNotFoundError:... FAILED tests/ - assert '/bin/sh... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Assertion... FAILED tests/ - AssertionError: asse... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/[coverage] FAILED tests/ - as... FAILED tests/ FAILED tests/ - Ass... FAILED tests/[coverage-3.11] FAILED tests/ - AssertionEr... FAILED tests/ - ModuleNotFo... FAILED tests/[coverage] FAILED tests/[python -m coverage] ERROR tests/ 96 failed, 1211 passed, 10 skipped, 1 error in 11.84s => ERROR: python3-coverage-7.2.1_5: do_check: 'PYTHONPATH="$(cd build/lib* && pwd)" ${make_check_pre} python3 -m pytest ${testjobs} ${make_check_args} ${make_check_target}' exited with 1 => ERROR: in do_check() at common/build-style/ ```